DotP 2014 Promos

Happy Friday MTG peeps,

As it is Friday, giver yourself a break and clear your calendar this evening for Friday Night Magic.  We'll be heading out to OMG! Games here in Barrie to get a last chance at winning this month's FNM promo, Judges' Familiar.

Anywhoos - we are still trying to catch up with Modern Masters and Magic 2014 spoilers and previews but want to first yatter about some of the very lovely looking promo cards you can score with Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 first.  Here's the 4.1.1. for you - -
The Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers Promo Booster Pack program may be available at your local store where you could pick up promotional packs and cards.

In-game messages will direct players to redeem promo codes and receive a special booster pack based on their gaming platform. The Wizards Store and Event Locator will direct players to the participating WPN locations in their area.  There will be five Different 6-card Promo Packs provided to WPN stores : XBLA promo packs, PSN promo packs, Steam promo packs, iPad promo packs, and Android promo packs.  Each promo pack will have one of the following alternate art Magic 2014 promo card - as shown on the left (the regular card is on the right) -

• Steam, iPad, Android tablet – Scavenging Ooze,

• Xbox – Bonescythe Sliver, and

• PSN – Ogre Battledriver  (regular card on right is mock up)


Weekend Give Away: 5 Gift Certificates to Poppin!

It's the weekend! I really love short weeks like this one. I feel like I still have some energy left to actually do something productive over the weekend.

We never quite conquered spring cleaning earlier this year, so I'm going to attempt to do a little (or a lot of) organizing and cleaning the next couple of days. I just got a bunch of new desk accessories from Poppin, so I decided to kick things off in my office. New things always get me excited to clean up! :)  

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I first heard about Poppin from Joanna, who gifted me a set of red pens. Let me tell you, I LOVE these pens. They are modern and gorgeous (so eye catching - people always ask me about the pens when I whip one out of my bag) and, most importantly, they write beautifully!

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I took a peek at Poppin's mission statement, because their products are so well designed I just knew that they would have something interesting to say. Their goal is to help people surround themselves with beauty everywhere they go and in everything they do. I dig.

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Poppin sells about anything your little heart could ever desire in the "office accessory" category. Desk sets, pens, pencils, notebooks, file cabinets, desk chairs, etc, etc, etc. All colorful and sleek. You can mix and match of course, but I think it's fun to have a color collection. I chose a deep red-orange color that feels very Hermes-y to me. I love the way it works with the malachite green color of my desk

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That tape dispenser slays me! Could not love it more.

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Now for the important stuff: Poppin is kindly offering up FIVE $50 gift certificates to LGN readers! To enter, simply hop over to the Poppin site, chose your favorite office accessories and leave a comment here with a link to your choice(s). Contest ends next Friday, June 7 at midnight.

Right now I'm giving this chartreuse set the up-down. I really could use a new pair of scissors... :)

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Orange sticky notes  //  Yellow filing cabinet  //  Yellow pens  //  Blue highlighters  //  Security envelopes  //  Things To Do pads  //  Monogrammed Notebook  //  Lime green notebook

PS Poppin is also offering $10 off on every order over $40 from now through June 5 with the code "LITTLEGREEN".  Happy shopping!

There's a Reason Wine Exists, #projectdownunder and Pillows

Let's start with the positive side of min-dude slept from 8:30-5:30 last night...yes it was in the swing but holy other kids didn't give me a solid stretch like that until they were like 3.

Unfortunately, the reason Jasper slept like such as angel was not so positive....quite the opposite- sort of mommy scaring actually.

Let me explain.

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, Scarlett had a few auditions downtown...turns out she got called in for a third at the last minute...I had to pull the two older kidlets out of school, get ready, pack everything, print a resume, find pay slips and comp photos, feed the baby etc. etc. and be at the location in like an hour from finding out- not fun.

Anyhoo...we made it there just in time to for Scarlett to decide it was a good day to be all about the sass...the fun started when she met the other girl she was shooting with and discovered that said girl was getting fit with a princess shirt, while she was being given the My Little Pony alternative...things went downhill from there since my kid has a hard time getting out of her own headspace now and then...the director had to eventually call me in to the room to get her to focus...and PS, just as a reminder, I had two other kids in tow...oh and to add insult to injury, middle kid hadn't finished his lunch and was basically operating on an empty stomach...and I forgot the ipad...and I stupidly gave him a giant sucker I found in my bag to keep him happy...see where I'm going here...BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS BULLSHIT.

Thankfully, baby took pity on me and was a gem through it all.

So...we left location #1 and I spent the entire ride to #2 location lecturing the kids on their behaviour and my expectiations and yadda yadda...over it.

Audition #2 was quick and easy...things were looking up....or so I thought.

Location #3 was a small bedroom sized room with about 100 kids and their parents stuffed inside...and it was 400 degrees.

Husband met me at this one since it was early evening and sat in the car with the boys and I went in with Scarlett...I thanked the gods on this one because baby would have literally melted inside this place....but...Sass girl dedided to coem out and play again...the kids auditioning were all put in groups of 3 and were told to run around in a circle...then, one kid had to fall down and the other two had to pretend to laugh at him/her...problem #1...Scarlett wanted to be the kid who fell down and went into a 5 minute negotiation with the director about why she couldn't and when she potentially could...then, she objected to the laughing because and I quote "don't you know that laughing at someone is called bullying and that's not nice" - so...again, probably not going to get a call back on that one.

I was very relieved when the audition fun was over, to say the least...but.... 
un-benounced to me, the real fun hadn't even started yet.

My oldest daughter was due to arrive home from her big European gallivant trip at 6pm (it was 5 at this point) so I suggested that my husband take the Scalrett and Malcolm with him and I'd drive home with the I thought...I was wrong.

After literally being on the highway for less than 30 seconds, we hit the traffic jam to end all mother fucking traffic jams...3 separate accidents meant that the road was literally completely stopped.

I'm sorry for that big sweer but my god, it was the worst 4 hours of my life.  About 10 minutes into it, babes woke up and started screaming...after about 20 minutes of trying to put soothers in his mouth/shake the carseat/plead/shussh/cry  myself, while driving a car, I absolutely couldn't take it anymore and veered off the highway and parked along the side of the road, just so I could rescue Jasper from the car seat and give him some boob to pacify...we sat there for an hour at which point I decided to have a go at getting home again...we took city streets to get back on the highway, but because everything was was so backed up, the city streets were too- took more than an hour to drive 5km.

Long story only slightly short, it took me and sweet baby 3.5 hours to get home...and PS, it's a 20 minute drive normally.

Listening to my baby cry for me in the backseat of the car I'm driving, and being able to do pretty much nothing about  it = MY IDEA OF ETERNAL DAMNATION.

Seriously...the worst.

So, that's why the baby slept...he was forced to stay awake like the entire afternoon, after being carted around from place to place in his wretched car seat and then got stuck in it for more than 3 hours alone in the backseat of car...the poor kid.

Needless to say that when he was finally home and hopefully dreaming of anything but the day he had, I guzzled one laaaaaaaarge glass of was that or jumping out the window so I thought it a good choice.

Thankfully we've got absolutely nothing on the books today so I plan on letting us both do nothing- the other two both have school today so baby and I are very much looking forward to some quite boredom.

And now that I've finished that rather large diatribe, let's talk about something pretty.

Before yesterday's fun day started, I did enjoy some blog's been way too long since the last time I really got around to visit everyone so it was nice.

A post by Natalie Merrillyn was particularly eye catching...she featured a Sydney home that was patially wallpapered in

...and it instantly made me fall in mad love all over again with this bold print...

Something about it made me want it hard for my #projectdownunder client...maybe because the inspiration home is in Australia? Who know...anyhoo...I emailed my client asking if she'd consider and because it's a crazy small world, it turns out she actually knows that girl in the cute jumpsuit...seriously...what are the chances?

We're considering putting the paper up in her entrance hallway and though I'm not officially working on this space, I couldn't help but throw a quick board together to show her how adding this bold green pattern could work amazingly well with our pale blue, black, neutral scheme...

The  mirror is already owned by my client and I'm obsessed with that 
Black Rooster console table...the vintage velvet numbers are Jayson Home and Garden and the sconces are from Circa Lighting.

I'm very much hoping this happens.

In addition to this little addition, I also spent some time last night switching a few things up- we've decided to leave the existing chandelier over the dining room table but are going to take the Trillion flushmount and put it in the lounge.

Also, after starting some more at my client's Pinterest boards, I sort of decided that a pair of hooded chairs a la this Megan Hess illustration...

...should probably happen...they appeared too many times in client's inspiration love pile not to

So...I got searching and found these customizable numbers on ebay...

We're thinking of doing them in a pale blue velvet and sticking them in the lounge,  in place of the settee...we're also going to move the console that I sourced for the dining room into this room.

This sort of thing is what I'm thinking...


Also, since I brought up Megan Hess a second ago/un-related to #projectdownunder except for the fact that they're also from Australia, I thought I should probably pass on this discovery...along with amazing illustrations, she also does pillows and just look at their girly loveliness...

Image of Megan Hess "The Couture"

Image of Megan Hess "Chanel No.5"

Image of Megan Hess "Little Black Dresses"

Image of Megan Hess "The Oscar Dress"

...they're sold though a fabulous little shop called 
Frankie and Swiss....the store also hocks these brilliant guys...

Image of "Sulphur Crests" Side B

Image of "Sulphur Crested Cocky" Side B

Good, good, good.

And finally, and still on the topic of pillow gorgeous sponsor Pillotopia is currently running a...

50% OFF SALE!!!!!!

Hurry up if you want some of this action for half bones...

Intertwine - hand painted silk black on white II - as mentioned in Style at Home Magazine

Lilly Pulitzer Tail Lights - Navy Blue & White

Aomori by Kravet Couture

And with that longer than intended post, I'll shut 'er down for now with some big smooches...happy almost weekend.



please excuse my has been chaotic.  we have decided the next move will be done w/'s too hard and we are no longer spring chickens.  our body has ached every night from going up and down stairs w/ furniture and boxes.  thankfully, we are officially done (just don't look in our cars b/c we look like hoarders).  tonight, i'm dying to make these and sit by the pool b/c we have earned them....i hope y'all have a relaxing weekend.

*images courtesy of carolines modecasa tres chic, birch and bird, atlanta homes, studio m, a lovely beinga perfect gray

Modern Masters Tokens

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

The really big news for all the Magic: the Gathering players right now seems to be what's to do with Modern Masters.  This 229 card set containing fan fav reprints for Modern format may just be the most exciting thing since man discovered bacon.  We here at MTG Realm have been going over our existing Modern decks, picking up singles from MTG Mint Card, and awaiting the June 7th release date.

Anywhoos - onto today's post - tokens.  Those of you who we know or who have been reading for a while know we have a kink for token decks, so we're rather happy to read Trick Jarretts post today over on the mothersite on MM tokens.  We've reposted the tokens along with our speculation on which card creates those tokens.  Let's have a looky-loo !


New Project - #projectdownunder

Happy Thursday peeps.

Today is going to be B to the izzy for me...redhead has a double audition this afternoon, which means I've got to pull both kids out of school a little early, drive downtown with the baby in tow and head back in the deep of rush hour traffic...with said baby who PS, hates the car.


On a happier note, thank you all so so much for your comments on
yesterday's post re: headaches and yesterday's so appreciate the feedback and suggestions...I'm thinking of bundling all of them together to make one giant magic 'migraines be gone' love package...will let you know how that goes.

In the meantime, I'm excited to share a new e-design project I've just started on.

We'll call this one #projectdownunder because you guessed it, the home is in's that for international design;)

I've been working like a little busy beaver on this one since first seeing my client's Pinterest board...just to give you a taste, here's some of her inspiration compilation for the space....

...and as you can probably tell, it's pretty much my DREAM MIX OF GOODNESS...I adore her maximalist/girly/glamness of it all.

My fabulous client also sent me pictures of the three spaces I'm in charge of and let's just say I've got a major beuno blank slate to work with.

A taste of the gorgeous 'befores'...

1. The Lounge

2. The Living/Dining Room

So, so lovely!

And with all that information in place, I came up with these:




There's some tinkering to do with the lighting sourced...after seeing the ceiling photos, I'd flip the living and dining options...we also might stick with that's there so we can spend more in other areas...the existing chandeliers are lovely so they could definitely work- we shall see.  The large black sectional might also be staying so that would change the furniture plan just a wee bit but for now, we're officially off to the races and...

I.Can. Not. Wait

Stay tuned for beaucoup progress posts.
